Do you remember these?
The brownie roll out cookies I made for Valentine's Day?
Well, they were delicious and I was really happy with how they came out for Marshall's teachers and friends at school. After I baked them I couldn't help thinking how good they would be filled with something....jam, marshmallow cream, buttercream or Nutella.
When I made the dough, I split it in half and froze the half I didn't use. Well wrapped, cookie dough can stay stored in the freezer for a couple months and when I defrosted the dough I kneaded it quickly and was ready to roll, cut bake and fill.
Since two of the people that would be trying these cookies adore Nutella, that's what I went with and I thought they came out delicious!
Since they were so good I used them as bribery.
It is nearly impossible to get a picture of both of my children together, smiling, looking at the camera and staying still so the picture isn't blurry and now I know how to get them to cooperate, SCORE!
yeah, those cookies were a big HIT! with me. because i didn't share, although i'm sure they would have gone over well with EVERYONE in this house!!! yum yum, you are quite the cook!