Monday, July 22, 2019

Very Veggie

Hellmann's is now hosting a "Mini Mayo Creations Mini Challenge" where they're looking for how to use Hellmann’s to dress up your veggies. From kid friendly snacks, recipes or decorative food art, anything goes, so today I'm sharing the 2 entries I created! 
Are your kiddos picky? I'd love to hear your tricks of how you get your kiddo to eat their veggies!
Who’s up for a game of Tic-Tac-Toe? Keep the kids busy and their bellies full with this edible classic. Even the youngest of kiddos can play and once the game is over, you dip your game pieces in Hellmann’s Classic Burger Sauce, clear the board and play again. All you have to decide is who gets to be the saucy “Xs” first!

Sometimes, kids tend to have a “the messier the better” approach to eating. This crafty snack allows little Picassos to get creative and use Hellmann's condiments to make vegetables into edible art!
Use parchment or wax paper for the canvas and for the “paints” use Hellmann’s Honey Mustard for a sweet and tangy yellow paint, whisk Hellmann’s Mayonnaise together  with some pesto create the green and a splash of pickled beet juice for the pink.
Leafy celery sticks are tender and just right for dipping and painting! Cucumber wedges create the perfect butterfly wings. Green bean “pens” to write with and carrot stampers are perfect for creating those circles and dots to complete the picture!

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Sweet and Spicy Winter Crunch Salad

Here is my "healthy doesn't have to be boring" entry for Miller's Recipe Contest and I think you're going to love it. ...