Monday, March 9, 2020

Little's Lunches

 Is anyone else dragging from the ridiculous time change like I am? We had a busy weekend and I ended up waiting to make lunches until this morning and it totally reinforced why I always make lunch boxes the night before! I am not a morning person anyway so I'm moving slower at 6am than I am in the evenings. I did not love the idea of messing up the whole kitchen and having to pull so much stuff out of the fridge in the morning. After dinner, when all the food is already out that's when I pack up what I can of the leftovers and fill in the rest with fresh fruits and veggies. What's your best time saving tip for packing lunch boxes?
 Monday:  celery and cucumber sticks, orange slices, cheddar cheese cubes and pepperoni, garlic bagel chips, ranch, roasted corn salad
 Tuesday: pepperoni, pretzel sticks, cucumber slices, orange slices, ranch, fresh mozzarella
 Wednesday: celery and carrot slices, garlic bagel chips, sliced strawberries, radish and cucumber slices, ranch, oranges
 Thursday: pretzel sticks, ham cubes, green beans, celery sticks, ranch, sliced strawberries
Friday: my daughter has 2 wiggly teeth so she requested all soft foods! applesauce, avocado cubes, cooked sliced carrots, hard boiled egg

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Sweet and Spicy Winter Crunch Salad

Here is my "healthy doesn't have to be boring" entry for Miller's Recipe Contest and I think you're going to love it. ...