Sunday, March 18, 2012

Magical Birthdays

Hi there! 
It's been a while hasn't it?!
The last time I was here I was sharing how sad I was about how sick my baby girl was on her birthday and I wasn't able to throw her a mermaid Ariel themed birthday party.
Well, luckily for us, we already had plans for something far better than what I could pull off at home and I think it may have been the best birthday a little girl could ever wish for
Yeah, that's Ariel making a little kid's dream come true in about 2.7 seconds
And there she is again, being treated like royalty in Cinderella's Castle for her birthday breakfast
 The breakfast was awesome by the way! I really didn't have too high of hopes for the food I was going to find in Disney World, but I'm happy to say I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. For breakfast at Cinderella's Castle we had sausage, bacon, marinated berries and a french toast souffle stuffed with marscapone cheese.....YUM!
The kids loved every second of it! 
Brianna's wasn't the only birthday we were celebrating while we were there
 Louis turned another year older while we were there and I pre-arranged for them to surprise him with this mountain of sugary goodness for his special day. This three layer double chocolate cake was topped with a whole chocolate bar, cupcake, a huge wedge of a brownie, m&m's and mickey shaped sprinkles. 
The people at Disney don't mess around!
Marshall had his fair share of fun too, even if it wasn't his birthday
 His special time of the trip was spent fighting evil and restoring peace to the galaxy
He's a real Jedi now and he's got the papers to prove it!
And no one can go to Disney and not eat one of these, right?!

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Sweet and Spicy Winter Crunch Salad

Here is my "healthy doesn't have to be boring" entry for Miller's Recipe Contest and I think you're going to love it. ...