Monday, September 26, 2011

B is my favorite letter

It seems to be a winning month for me, and I could really get used to this!
I am very excited to say that I have won one cooking contest and am now a finalist for another
My Blueberry Citrus Quinoa Salad won me first place in the Blueberry blogger recipe contest!
 $1,000 was the first place prize and I know exactly where I will be spending my loot
In Chicago!!
I am a finalist for the Build A Better Burger Contest and for me to say that I am excited has got to be the understatement of the century. 
I am about to jump out of my skin people!
I have tried to get into this burger bash for three years and I am so excited to have been chosen to compete for a win!
This will be my first time at BBB, first time in Chicago and a week of adult time with no children......I feel like a winner already!
My "alternative category" burger Peppered Pineapple Al Pastor Burger might just be the winning one
I think you know what's for dinner for the next two weeks at my house
Practice makes perfect, right?!
Please let me know any and all Chicago recommendations that you have.....anything I need to see, do or more importantly eat while I'm there??

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Sweet and Spicy Winter Crunch Salad

Here is my "healthy doesn't have to be boring" entry for Miller's Recipe Contest and I think you're going to love it. ...